The Most Important Factors To Consider When Looking For The Best Gaming Mouse

Individuals who only play PC games once in a while do not need anything more than a regular mouse. Nevertheless, if you are one of those folks who spend most of their free time playing your favorite games against other gamers on the internet, then you are strongly advised to get yourself the best gaming mouse out there. This will give you a significant edge, and the increased control you get over your games will considerably increase the level of fun as well.

The precision and speed are the main factors that make the difference between a mouse that was designed specifically for gamers and a regular mouse. The speed of a particular mouse is usually determined by the period of time between 2 updates, which is referred to as the response time. The time that passes from moving the mouse to the response on the PC should not be more than a millisecond. More than that, the precision is a crucial aspect as well. This is measured in DPI, and it should be as high as possible. When looking for the best gaming mouse on the market, you should look for one that has at least 3,500 DPI.

Gaming mice will either come in the form of a round device that is created to be controlled with the fingers, or it can be much more ergonomic and flatter, designed to accommodate your entire palm. A smaller mouse is more recommended for folks who love to play first person shooter games or other types of games that require accurate control in a quick manner.

A flatter mouse, however, will be more desirable for gamers who are playing online for many hours a day so that their hands can stay in a natural position on the desk. Therefore, if you are a World of Warcraft addict, a flatter mouse is the ideal choice for you.

Next you need to decide whether you want a corded or a wireless mouse. While wireless mice used to be too long in response time many years ago, the wireless technology nowadays is more advanced, which makes them just as fast as their corded counterparts. Moreover, wireless mice give you a higher sense of freedom, as you will no longer feel tied to the computer.

Portability should be kept in mind too when shopping for the best gaming mouse, especially if you like to have your own mouse when going to special gamer gatherings and events. And last but not least, if you know that your mouse will be banged around often for one reason or another, make sure you take the durability into consideration too.
