If you think video games are the domain of the young, then think again. A recent Nielson Report found that video games are attracting more players than ever – and not just young boys and diehard fans. Video gaming has grown increasingly popular among women, older players and other demographic groups. The image of video games as a fad for young boys and men with Peter Pan syndrome (boys who never want to grow up!) is rapidly changing.
What has caused this change?
-Gaming has continued to evolve as an entertainment form. Today, there are different types of gaming genres that appeal to a wider audience. While traditional games are still popular, so too are education games, serious games and even role playing games such as Second Life, where players create imaginary characters and lives. This broader spectrum of available genres has opened up gaming to new demographics and audiences. Females 25 years and older, for example, make up the largest block of PC game players, accounting for 46.2 percent of all players and 54.6 percent of all game play minutes in December 2008.
-The number of gaming platforms also continues to expand. The evolution of multimedia and interactive gaming consoles attracts a diverse spectrum of people. The Wii Fit, for example, can be used for fitness and exercise while interactive games such as Guitar Hero are good examples of how different game genres and console types have transformed gaming into a more widely used entertainment form.
What are the different types of gaming consoles?
-Over the years, gaming consoles have evolved and developed. Often which gaming console you use comes down to personal preference and which games you want to play. For example, if you want to buy Playstation games such as Gran Turismo or Grand Theft Auto then you will need a Sony Playstation console variety. Other gaming consoles include Game Boy, Wii, Nintendo64 and Xbox.
Gaming consoles have increased their share of the entertainment market and are now popular with a diverse demographic group. If you’re looking for a new entertainment form, then consider gaming consoles. They’re not just for young boys and there are gaming consoles and game genres to suit all tastes.
Just as you can buy movies online, video games can also be purchased via the internet at sites such as www.sanity.com.au.