Pick 3 is a popular lottery game offered by most state lotteries. Pick 3 is a variation on the old 3 digit numbers game lottery that was played in most big cities in the US before lotteries were legal. Typically in the traditional pick 3 game the player selects three numbers from 0 to 9. Pick 3 offers players significantly better odds than most lottery games although the jackpots are usually much smaller. There are several ways to play pick 3;

Straight-numbers in exact order. Odds 1 in 1,000 Box-any order if the numbers consist of two of the same numbers. Odds- 1in 333.33 Box-any order-three different numbers. Odsds-1 in 166.67 Straight/Box-exact or any order-numbers consist of two of the same number. Odds-333.33 Straight/Box-numbers consist of three different numbers-Odds-166.67

As can be seen the odds are significantly better than most big money games. For example the odds of winning a Mega Millions jackpot are approximately 1 in 176 million. There are also many more variations than the ones listed above and each state offers players different pick 3 options. Players can play special lucky numbers or have the random number generator available at lottery retailers select their pick 3 numbers.

Players can participate in several drawings at once which increase the odds in favor of the pick 3 player. Many pick 3 players will play the same numbers until they hit. Typically pick 3 tickets are 50 cents or $1. Pick 3 is one lottery game that can provide players with several wins in rapid succession. Players can check pick 3 numbers at their official state lottery website or at most of the many online lottery websites. Many players will go to their state lottery website and check the histories of various winning numbers and look for numbers that have not hit and will play these numbers. Most state lotteries offer day and night pick 3 drawings. In addition specific instructions for playing pick 3 are available at official state lottery websites in states that offer pick 3 games. There is certainly no shortage of information about how to play pick 3 lottery games.

There are websites and books that offer pick 3 strategies but in reality random numbers win just as often as those picked by lottery systems. Pick 3 lottery games are very simple and probably offer lottery players their best chance to experience the excitement of a lottery win.