Steelseries Qck Heavy And Low-sensitivity Gaming
Low-sensitivity mousing is a rare and mystic art, known only to those who make every headshot and align every polygon perfectly on the first attempt. For those who are not aware of the art, it goes like this: you get a really stupidly big mouse pad, you turn the mouse sensitivity down, and then you move the mouse a lot
Yes, my ninja-mousing friends, we, like any other artist or killing machine, need our tools to function at our best. The Steelseries Qck Heavy is a favorite for low-sensitivity gamers. Chief among the QcK’s virtues is it’s overwhelming size: 17.7 x 15.7 x .23 in. (450 x 400 x 6 mm). Make sure to measure your desk to see exactly how much space this is going to take up
As you can see by the thickness, the Qck Heavy is a mouse pad that is actually a pad. 6mm is quite a bit thicker than the mouse pad standard of about 2mm. Keep in mind that some mice (especially the Razer Lachesis) do not like thick, soft pads. For the rest of us, the Qck is a great soft surface that keeps the wrist comfortable
Durability-wise, the heavy holds up a little better than the standard cloth mouse pad. It should last at least a few years, even with constant use. Bonus: you can use it as a coaster and hot-pad, and still have space to move the mouse around…Overall, I would recommend the Qck heavy only to gamers, graphical artists, and others who know they would like to try low-sensitivity mousing. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a great low-dpi mouse surface
For those who don’t have the desk real estate or aren’t interested in low-sensitivity gaming, Steelseries makes the Qck mouse pads in many different sizes.